
Actual Agreement

Actual Agreement: A Term Critical to Legal Contracts

In the world of legal contracts, there is a term known as “actual agreement.” Actual agreement refers to the mutual understanding and shared intention between two parties to enter into a legally binding contract. To put it simply, actual agreement means that both parties have agreed to the same terms of the contract, without any confusion or misunderstanding.

The Importance of Actual Agreement

An actual agreement is critical to the validity of any legal contract. For a contract to be legally binding, it must be based on the mutual consent of the parties involved. In other words, both parties must have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the agreement and must willingly agree to them.

Without actual agreement, a contract can be deemed invalid and unenforceable, leaving both parties without legal protection or recourse. This is why it is important for both parties to ensure that there is an actual agreement before entering into a contract.

How to Ensure Actual Agreement

There are a few key things that both parties can do to ensure actual agreement before entering into a contract:

1. Communication: The most important factor in reaching an actual agreement is clear and honest communication between both parties. Both parties should clearly communicate their expectations, needs, and requirements to ensure that there is a mutual understanding of the terms of the contract.

2. Written Contracts: A written contract is critical to ensuring actual agreement. A written contract should be drafted and reviewed by both parties to ensure that it reflects the actual agreement between them.

3. Legal Advice: It is always wise to seek legal advice before entering into a contract. A legal expert can review the terms of the contract and help to ensure that there is an actual agreement between the parties.

4. Confirmation: Both parties should confirm their agreement in writing before entering into a contract. This can be done through email, text message, or a formal letter.


Actual agreement is a critical term in the world of legal contracts. It ensures that both parties understand and agree to the terms of the contract, protecting them both from any legal disputes or misunderstandings. To ensure actual agreement, both parties must communicate clearly, have a written contract, seek legal advice, and confirm their agreement in writing before entering into a contract.

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